In 2021, the Doncaster Civic Trust  celebrated its 75th anniversary, despite COVID,  the Trust continued to fulfil its mandate to protect, preserve and promote  Doncaster's built heritage and still does today.

    In the period after the anniversary, the trust has been involved in many projects, including, for instance, relocating and restoring the Lion and Pillar that have stood in Regent Square since the early 1900s.

    The Lion statue was part of the Royal Opera House based in the market place. It was demolished in the early 1900s. The pillar is much older than the Lion, is a column, reduced in height, with base and capital which were all once part of St Mary Magdalene’s Church in the Market Place  which dates from about 1130.

    The Lion and Pillar is now set in DGLaM garden. As part of its restoration, the lion received a new arm.  The Lion and the Pillar were unveiled in 2022 and dedicated to Colin Joy, a former Doncaster tourism officer.

    For more information about the Lion and Pillar,  please visit our website,